✨daily inspirations✨

My body has an amazing intelligence for innate healing. Whenever I encounter an imbalance, my immune system automatically kicks in with messages

A wound inflicted in a lie can only be healed with the truth.If left untreated it can worsen and cause more harm,festering

I cannot create anything new by remaining immersed in the old.I must move forward, letting go of what holds me back or

Amidst the chaos outside of me, there is a whole world of shalom inside of me.At any time, I can retreat to

Trees are a magnificent example of letting things go.A fall breeze blows, and they begin to shed,conserving energy to survive the cold

Healing comes when I’m able to release the pain of the things I’ve held too tightly.Being in the grip of resentment or

Someday is today! Every path I take is leading me straight to the kingdom of heaven!It is already within me and I

I am compelled to be a Light Leader!To overcome the darkness in the world by being a positive ray of sunshine to